Sunday 1 April 2012

Too nice

I've been told I am too nice, too many times. What comes to my mind instantly was a friends lack of interest to travel to Jamaica with me, as I might get us killed. Apparently smiling with strangers does that. But as I approach the golden years (yes the dreaded 23) I am beginning to realise that everyone doesn't have a bag of sunshine within them. So for that ex that's a total, complete, utter scunt (apologies for the reiteration and indecent language)  its "lightbulbed" me that I can no longer excuse his actions as childhood or commitment issues, he may very well just be a bad person with no heart. That person that has attitude with everyone all the time, may not be a nice person under it all but may very well just be a "BITCH". I am slowly learning that people will hurt you , but the truth is you can't allow a person with a cloud over their heart to damper your bright ray of sunshine . I love that I am always smiling, and that  I believe in good most of the time. I think a bit of innocence makes life more amazing. If I have friends that knowingly hurt people , I beg of you to stop, hurting other people; it will only come back to you in the long run. To my friends that have been allowing someone to hurt you more than once, I beg of you to stop. People will only do to you what you allow them to, just as much as you should do to other as you would appreciate in turn. I am pretty sure you've heard some of this before, but I think that's cause 100 french men can't be wrong (I hope I said that right).

Here's hoping I stick with you....Caramel :)

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